AS SEEN ON | Cochon555 Judge


For a little backstory, the past 3 years Athleisure Mag has been the media sponsor for an epic food event - Cochon555 for the NYC leg. This event pairs 5 chefs, 5 heritage pig farms and 5 sommeliers together as a means to select a winner of NYC. This event also takes place throughout the year in a number of locations across the US and Canada. The winner from each will compete in Chicago for the Grand Cochon in a winner takes all! This year, I was beyond excited to be a food judge at this event! Not only was it great to meet fellow judges from all over the food industry, the chefs, sommeliers and more - but to eat someone creative work is always a lot of fun! You can see more with the April issue of Athleisure Mag to get immersed in this fun experience!